2021 AGM

The 2021 NCA AGM will be held at 1800 on Friday September 17th at the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of previous AGM, September 25, 2020
  3. Matters arising
  4. President’s Report
  5. Hon. Secretary’s Report
  6. Membership Secretary’s Report
  7. Hon. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Auditor’s Report
  9. Election of Officers and Executive Committee
  10. Any other business

Dr William Telford, President
Dr Andrena Telford, Hon. Secretary

A large part of the business of the AGM comprises reports. These have been emailed to members and are also available for download via the buttons to the right.

Other than the Reports, a principal item on the agenda is the proposal of a new member for a non ex-officio position, namely, Ian Lawley (Peterhouse 1971-74).  All current officers and members have agreed to continue for next year, 2021-22.

Ian has worked in a range of senior roles across museums, arts and healthcare. Ian and his wife Kate moved to the North East at the beginning of 2020 in order to be closer to family and be more active grandparents.

Ian has expressed his willingness to serve, and, if elected, the ongoing Committee would then be as follows:


  • President: Heather Cordell
  • Hon. Secretary: Gilbert Cockton
  • Hon. Treasurer (and Membership Secretary): Sue Austin
  • Hon. Auditor: Vinny Holden


  • Peter Cleland
  • Colin Dunnighan
  • Arnold Fairless
  • Ian Lawley
  • Robert M. Tindall
  • Andrew Young

Note: the constitution states that there should be not more than seven nor less than five non-ex officio members. Ian's election would still allow a seventh ex officio member to join the NCA Executive Committee.

At the AGM, we will seek approval for the reports below and for Ian Lawley's nomination to the committee.

You can make comments or ask questions at the AGM, or can email these to Gilbert and Sue by Friday, September 17th, 2021.

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