Northumbrian Cambridge

The Northumbrian Cambridge Association (NCA) has brought together alumni living in the North East of England for over 90 years.

We meet in most months for walks, talks, concerts, films, freshers and festive events, an annual dinner, and an AGM. We very much welcome suggestions for further group activities.

For more information, visit our What We Do page (link above), or contact a Committee Member (via Who to Contact, link above).

We need to recruit new committee members. We currently have the minimum number of ex-officio committee members and can recruit two more. We need to plan for succession as officers wish to step down over the next few years, so please do consider volunteering to ensure the sustainability of the NCA. If you want to find out more about the NCA committee, please contact NCA President Heather Cordell (

Merton Court, St. John's

We always welcome new members (our subscription is £10 a year). For information about joining, or attending a forthcoming event, please contact us using our How to Join page (link above). Prospective NCA members are welcome to attend one of our meetings and bring guests.

Membership subscriptions are due by March 1st 2024.  Please note that the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) bars us from holding information on non-active members. If you have been a member for some years but have not been paying subscriptions and completed a GDPR form, during 2023 we requested you to send a completed GDPR form and arrange payment of your subscription (to our new bank account, see booking form for July meeting below) or confirm your resignation from the NCA. We reached the point where we had to remove dormant members from the NCA database. We no longer hold and use their email addresses, but they may continue to visit this website and rejoin if a future meeting or event takes their interest.  Similarly, members who receive all communications by post were asked in early October 2023 to complete a membership renewal and/or GDPR form to remain on our active members list.

If you have received no NCA email or postal communications in 2024 and want to rejoin the NCA, please do so using the form(s) on our How to Join page.

You can read our current newsletter, follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook) and join our Facebook group. Please note that we are currently exploring the feasibility of moving our online presence to social media and the NCA section of the university's development and alumni's website.

Remaining Meetings for 2024

Details of meetings will be posted here as they are finalised. There will be autumn and festive meetings as usual in 2024, plus some “just turn up” events. Please see the July 2023 newsletter for more on the latter.  Recent newsletters can be found on the What We Do page, as can details of previous meetings.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Booking deadline is Friday 23rd August 2024.

Summer Barbecue

We will be holding a late summer barbecue at the house of NCA president,  Heather Cordell, during the afternoon of Saturday 31st August 2024 (3.00pm-7.00pm). Burgers, sausages and rolls (with accompanying condiments and salads/side dishes) and drinks will be provided, along with vegetarian alternatives. If you wish to bring more “exotic” barbecue items (fish, chicken, steak etc.) to barbecue for your own consumption you are very welcome to do so.

Contributions of salads/side dishes/desserts to share would also be very welcome (although not mandatory).

Thursday 31st October, 2024

Booking by Friday 14th June was required to join block booking, but you can still book your own ticket and join us.

Autumn Concert, Glasshouse International Centre for Music (formerly
the Sage Gateshead).

Our 2024 autumn concert trip will be to see Alfred Hitchcock’s classic thriller Psycho, with Bernard Hermann’s
chilling soundtrack played live by the Royal Northern Sinfonia. We will attempt to make a block booking (seated
together) for all who book (using the booking slip below) by Friday 31st May. Anyone who misses the deadline but
decides later on that they wish to join us can book themselves a ticket and join us (if they wish) in the café for
refreshments beforehand

Further planned NCA meetings in 2024

We are planning a group walk for July 20th.  There will be an NCA barbecue on August 31st.

Please note that the NCA has a new bank account. Details are on event booking and standing order forms. If you use direct bank payments, please change your details for the NCA before making a payment.

Use the buttons above to find out more or to contact NCA committee members.

This website was last updated on October 6th 2023. Webmaster:Gilbert Cockton.